Herzberg’s Two factor theory on employee motivation
are the key for organization success. How much employees are motivated, will
decide the future of the organization. Various people have various motivational
factors. Hence same motivational factors will have different effects on
different people groups (Tan, 2013) .
Organization should clearly identify the dissimilarities of employees’ motivational
factors and should respond according to them in achieving of organizational
goals (Bourgault, et al., 2008) . There are various
definitions to introduce the motivation. Motivation is something that energized
person to act on the something based on satisfying his or her needs (More, et al., 2003) . Fuller et al.(2008)
describes motivation is persons’ dedication, hard work and passion to achieve a
specific goal which in line with person’s personal goals. Also, motivation can
be defined as the willingness to put high level of effort to achieve organizational
goals provided that individuals’ goals can be achieved through it (Sraswathi, 2011) .
1.0: Herzberg’s two-factor theory
(Source: Balogh, 2015)
are two sets of factors introduced to explain employees working attitude and
employees job performance. These are named as Motivation and Hygiene factors (Robbins, 2009) . Motivation Factors
are essential factors in increasing the job satisfaction and motivation of employees
while Hygiene factors are essential in reducing the job dissatisfaction (Tan, 2013) .Motivational factors
refers to the situational factors related to the job employee does, including
achievement, recognition, opportunities, growth and responsibility. Hygiene
factors are conditions outside the job employee does, caused by the
organization itself, including supervision, administration, salary, company
policies, working conditions, job security and relationship (Busatlic, 2018) .
am working for a leading multinational organization which produce hand and arm
protection equipment to medical and industrial sector. The organization I work for
has taken several actions to provide hygiene factors and motivational factors
to reduce the job dissatisfaction and improve the motivation of employees. The
organization has provided good physical condition to the employees by providing
free transport facilities, good canteen facilities and clean and comfortable
working environment. Also, organization provide a higher basis salaries and
overtimes compared to the others. Even in recent COVID 19 conditions,
organization did not impose any pay cuts to employees, but organization has given
incentives for the employees who were coming to the work during the curfew time
in the country. This has immensely help to increase the job satisfaction and
motivation of the employees. The organization has a code of conduct which
implements company policies help to create an organization culture of
respecting others, transparent and innovation. There are lot of employees in
the organization who has an experience more then 20 years with in the
organization, hence it is evident that job security is at a higher level in the
organization I work for has a performance evaluation system which monitors employee’s
dedication to the work, job satisfaction and innovative ideas. Also, promotion
system has linked to the performance evaluation system. If any new job
opportunities came, the organization has internal job opportunity system.
Before trying to recruit from the outside, there are opportunities for internal
employees for applying these jobs and getting selected. So, there are various
opportunities for employees for their personnel growth. Also, the organization
has spent on training and development of employees on annually. It is evident form
the above, the organization has provided enough hygiene and motivation factors
to improve the job satisfaction and motivation as per the Frederick Herzberg’s
two factor theory.
per the research done by Hong & Waheed
(2011) in Malaysia, has revealed that working condition is the most significant
factor contribute to the job satisfaction among other factors. Respondents of
the survey has expressed that the providing good working condition has a great
effect of getting job satisfaction and motivation. Also, a research done by Islam et al. (2008) among professional carder who
hold degrees, masters and PhD s has revealed that the good working condition is
the most important thing in job satisfaction. Hygiene factors are less
contributing to increase the employees’ motivation. By fulfilling hygiene
factors only job dissatisfaction can be reduced. When hygiene factors are
provided employees remain at neutral conditions but not motivated. It is important
to provide hygiene factor first to avoid job dissatisfaction and motivational
factors to increase the motivation as per the Herzenberg’s theory (Robbins, 2009) .
1.0: Motivating employees by using Herzberg’s two-factor theory
(Source:MindToolsVideos, 2018)
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The two-factor hypothesis of Job Satisfaction was the aftereffect of a multi year research program on work perspectives started by an award from The Buhl Foundation. There was a dire need at the ideal opportunity for more and better knowledge about the perspectives of individuals towards their occupations because of the pervasiveness of employment disappointment markers, for example, strikes, stoppages, and recording of complaints.(Stello, 2011)