Introduction to E-recruitment

E-recruitment can be defined as the process of selecting the prospective candidates for the job, through internet (Rudman, 2013). In this method, job seeker has easy accessibility to the job provider, while job provider has the easy accessibility to the job seeker. This is one of the main advantages of this method (Plessis & Frederick, 2012). As an example, Nike has been using this technique since 2005 to select their candidates. The average days to fulfill their vacancies has reduced from 62 to 42 days by using online recruitment (Plessis & Frederick, 2012). The company was storing their applicants’ resumes on an online database as prospective candidates. Line managers of the company can short list these candidates according to their skills, experience and talents. Also, the company was updating applicants details on every six months. Nike has reduced their recruitment cost by 54% and has an 8500 of prospective candidates’ database with the help of online recruitment (Nike's, 2005).


Difference between traditional recruitment and e-recruitment

Figure 1.0 : Design of traditional based recruitment versus e-recruitment
(Source: Solek-Borowska & Wilczewska, 2018)

In traditional recruitment process attracting employees, process incoming applications and communicate with applicants will be done in an order while in e-recruitment these processes can be done simultaneously. Hence time, money and hardworkingness of both job candidate and job provider can be saved enormously (Solek-Borowska & Wilczewska, 2018).

Advantages and disadvantages of e-recruitment

There are several advantages and disadvantages of the e-recruitment. Easy accessibility for both job candidate and job provider and less advertising cost are one of the key benefits of this (Plessis & Frederick, 2012). Also, easy communication between employer and candidate, expanding of job market to broader level, time saving for job recruitment are some of other benefits (Solek-Borowska & Wilczewska, 2018).  Ability to recruit best prospective candidate for the job from large pool of resumes, efficiency improvement in the recruitment process, opening more opportunities for both job candidate and employer can be listed as other benefits of e-recruitment (Kapse, et al., 2012).

Also, some disadvantages can be highlighted in e-recruitment. Since this is a web-based recruitment there can be lack of relationship with candidates. Also, there is a possibility of hacking and manipulating the online recruitment system (Solek-Borowska & Wilczewska, 2018). Also, since job opportunities open for large pool of candidates, large number of candidates will apply for the same job. Hence short listing of those candidates and recruiting best candidates can be time consuming (Kapse, et al., 2012). Also, some vacancies cannot be filled only from e-recruitment. Employer and candidate need to have proper face to face interviews or practical tests to see the true potential of the candidates (Essays, 2018).

According to the research done by Kiselicki, et al (2018) , following graphs shows the statistics on advantages and disadvantages on e-recruiting on analyzed companies in the Republic of Macedonia.

Graph 1.0: Advantages of e-recruitment with statistics

(Source: Kiselicki, et al., 2018)

Graph 2.0: Disadvantages of e-recruitment with statistics

(Source: Kiselicki, et al., 2018)
From the analyzed data, biggest advantage is the cost reduction compared to other method which is 90%. Also giving access to more qualified candidates (57%) and reduction of recruitment time (67%) are other key benefits. The least advantage is attracting of passive candidates which is 7% according to the analyzed data (Kiselicki, et al., 2018). Among the disadvantages highlighted, the key disadvantage is the difficulty to learn new software and technologies for recruitment process which is 46%. Other main disadvantage is potential for recruiting unqualified candidates for the jobs (40%) since the vacancies are open to large group of candidates. Discrimination of candidates can be seen as the least effected problem which is at 7% (Kiselicki, et al., 2018).


According to the (Ford, 2015), the use of modern technologies like e-recruitment is not just another new trend but will be permanently adapted to the HR systems in many organizations. In future companies will see e-recruitment as their recruitment tool to take leadership in the job market. Also, it will give companies, more competitive advantages on recruitment process among others (Taylor, 2001). Also, future generation will see e-recruitment as their main tool for applying for jobs rather than using traditional recruitment methods (Plessis & Frederick, 2012). The traditional technologies era is coming to an end, while new technologies and software are taking place in many places. Hence there is a great potential for improving of e-recruitment in HR divisions in many multinational organizations in the world in future (Dowling & Welch, 2004). There are several advantages and disadvantages between traditional recruitment and e-recruitment. Although recruitment process will be faster using e-recruitment, the disadvantages of e-recruitment system can be nullified using traditional recruitment systems. But it is important to remember that one method cannot be replaced by another method (Kapse, et al., 2012).


Dowling, P. J. & Welch, D., 2004. International Human resource management: Managing people in a multinational context. 4th ed. s.l.:Thomson.
Essays, U., 2018. Online Recruitment: Advantages and Disadvantages. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 26 05 2020].
Ford, M., 2015. Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of Jobless Future. New York: Basic Books.
Kapse, A., Patil, V. S. & Patil, N. V., 2012. E-Rectuitment. International Journel of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 1(4).
Kiselicki, M., Josimpvski, S., Kiselicka, M. & Jovevski, D., 2018. Analysis of e-recruitment method through SNWS, with special emphasis on the republic of Macedonia. Journel of Sustainable Development, 8(21), pp. 19-34.
Nike's, 2005. Nike's sucessful e -recruitment. Strategic HR review, 4(3), p. 4.
Plessis, A. J. d. & Frederick, H., 2012. Effectiveness of e-recruiting: empirical evidence from the Rosebank business cluster in Auckland, New Zealand. Science Journel of Business Management, Volume 2012.
Rudman, R., 2013. Human Resources Management in New Zealand eBook. 5th ed. s.l.:Pearson New Zealand.
Solek-Borowska, C. & Wilczewska, M., 2018. New Technologies in the recruitment process. Economics and Culture, 15(2), p. 9.
Taylor, C., 2001. E-recruitment is powerful weapon in war for talent. People Management, 7(9), p. 10.



  1. True. However, Florea and Badea (2013) describe, that the ethical aspect of recruitment is less considered by the recruiters, while following e-recruitment oppose to the conventional way of recruiting employees, as especially the headhunting via social media profile is widely used for the e-recruitment process.

    1. Thank you for your comment. But Ford (2015) mentioned that conventional recruitment methods will be replaced by e-recruitment methods in future.

  2. Agree with the advantages stated above. With the development and rapid growth of technology, today e- recruitment has become one of the most vital aspects of recruiting talent to the organization. The tendency to use the Company website to attract suitable candidates have become a method so accessible in effective recruitment. This method has become effective in attempting to address the challenge of finding a suitable recruit with limited resources to fill that process (Tyagi, 2017).

    1. Thank you for your comments. Wozniak (2014) mentioned that e-recruitment is the fastest growing method of recruitment. It has become very easy to implement e-recruitment methods in any where.

  3. Agreed to the above said.
    But, traditional methods should not be replaced by the e-recruitment, it should supplement. The loopholes of e-recruitment can be covered by the traditional methods and process will be faster, global due to e-recruitment. Job Portals are the most popular and widely used tool by companies and recruitment teams to facilitate the smooth flow of recruitment process in the competitive world. Job Portals provide a platform for the employers to meet the prospective employees (Kapse, Patil, 2012).

  4. Agreed to the above. In case of employers use the internet in some form to aid conventional recruitment processes, it has number of important advantages compared to more traditional forms of recruiting. According to Smith and Rupp (2004), firstly, it allows companies to shorten hiring times through an increase in information flow and an acceleration of recruitment processes. Secondly, it can help reduce recruiting costs, hiring times and employee turnover as processes are generally job-specific and offer computer assisted screening interviews and statistical predictions. Moreover, it gives employers the opportunity to hire staff both locally and globally, significantly extending the reach of more traditional staff recruitment processes, has a number of important advantages compared to more traditional forms of recruiting (Smith & Rupp 2004).


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