
Showing posts from June, 2020

Herzberg’s Two factor theory on employee motivation

Employees are the key for organization success. How much employees are motivated, will decide the future of the organization. Various people have various motivational factors. Hence same motivational factors will have different effects on different people groups (Tan, 2013) . Organization should clearly identify the dissimilarities of employees’ motivational factors and should respond according to them in achieving of organizational goals (Bourgault, et al., 2008) . There are various definitions to introduce the motivation. Motivation is something that energized person to act on the something based on satisfying his or her needs (More, et al., 2003) .  Fuller et al.(2008) describes motivation is persons’ dedication, hard work and passion to achieve a specific goal which in line with person’s personal goals. Also, motivation can be defined as the willingness to put high level of effort to achieve organizational goals provided that individuals’ goals can be achieved through it ...

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory in employee motivation

Organizations in today’s world, need high performance and productivity to sustain in the industry among other competitors. In order to get this high performance, it is important to keep employees are highly motivated. People can be motivated either recognition they get from their job or external factors (Arapgirlioglu, et al., 2017) . Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory which describes five level of human needs in hierarchical manner. From bottom to the top these needs area physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem and self-actualization needs (McLeod, 2020) . Human needs are unlimited. After one need is satisfied other needs will come up. Human needs have a hierarchical order. Satisfying of unsatisfied human needs will have a great impact of increasing the motivation of people (Marslow, 1943) Figure 1.0: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Source: McLeod, 2020) Each category of this pyramid can be described as below. Physiological needs Physiologic...

The Risk of Using Social media on recruitment

While Social media offers so many advantages of recruitment process in cost and time, it also has so many unanswered issues. The most critical issues are legal and ethical issues (Broughton, et al., 2013) . Figure 1.0: Issues of using social media as a recruitment tool (Source: Broughton, et al., 2013) As per the survey done by Broughton, et al (2013), regarding online recruitment, the most critical issue stated was, the disadvantage to candidates who do not has access to the social media networks which is 50%. The second most critical issue is concern regarding applicants’ privacy which is more of an ethical issue (36%). Applying large number of candidates and discrimination based on personal details on social networks are other most concerned issues (Broughton, et al., 2013) . Employers are always try to do background check on job applicants. But using traditional methods on doing so, time and cost have become a problem. Considering the advantages social media pro...