
Showing posts from May, 2020

Using Social media networks on recruitment

Introduction Current world population is estimated at 7,580,000,000 (7.58 billion) (Dupre & Vickstrom, 2019) . As per the predictions made on world population growth it is estimated to have 9.7 billion of population in the year of 2050 and 10.9 billion population in 2100 (Nations, 2019) . Figure 1.0: Social Network users from 2010 to 2023 (in billions) ( Source: J.Clement, 2020) It is evident as per the above data, 41% of world population is using social media platform in day to day life. Year by year this percentage is keep increasing. Hence, it is vital to understand the power of using social media platforms as a recruitment method (J.Clement, 2020) . Figure 2.0: Number of people using social medium platforms, 2019 (Source: Ortiz-Ospina, 2019) Figure 2.0 shows the number of users using popular social media platforms by 2019. So, it has a great potential for using social media as a method of recruitment of employees in contemporary organizations. ...

Introduction to E-recruitment

E-recruitment can be defined as the process of selecting the prospective candidates for the job, through internet (Rudman, 2013) . In this method, job seeker has easy accessibility to the job provider, while job provider has the easy accessibility to the job seeker. This is one of the main advantages of this method (Plessis & Frederick, 2012) . As an example, Nike has been using this technique since 2005 to select their candidates. The average days to fulfill their vacancies has reduced from 62 to 42 days by using online recruitment (Plessis & Frederick, 2012) . The company was storing their applicants’ resumes on an online database as prospective candidates. Line managers of the company can short list these candidates according to their skills, experience and talents. Also, the company was updating applicants details on every six months. Nike has reduced their recruitment cost by 54% and has an 8500 of prospective candidates’ database with the help of online recruitment (N...

Best Ways to develop organizational HR strategies

Strategic HRM Strategic human resource management can be defined as ‘the process of linking the human resource function with the strategic objectives of the organization in order to improve performance’ (Bratton, n.d.) . According to the definition of Cambridge dictionary, strategy is the path for achieving success in various situations. Strategy addressed longer term goals of a business and how these goals are achieved. Good strategy should have the ability to achieve from where we are now to where should we want to go over a period   (Armstrong, 2006) Various approaches to development of organizational HR strategies were introduced in various times. 01.   Delery and Dotty (1996) the universalistic, the contingency and the configurational approach 02.   Richardson and Thompson (1999) best practice and best fit approach (Armstrong, 2006) The Universalistic, the contingency and the configurational approach Universalistic Approach This approach i...